Like you, I’m a senior. But age alone isn’t reason enough for you to trust that I can help you move better and feel better.
My qualifications to work with older adults began many decades ago when I was a dancer and majored in ballet in college. I didn’t have the talent and body-type to get promoted out of the corps de ballet, but I did learn a thing or two about posture, balance, and alignment along the way.
After I stopped dancing, staying fit remained a priority. In the 1980s, I wore leg warmers and headbands in Jane Fonda-type aerobics classes. I logged hundreds of miles pushing a jogging stroller while raising a family of three. When I started my day job in marketing, my workouts shifted to early morning Pilates, bootcamp, strength, spin, Step, and HIIT classes. The blessing of a healthy body and the joy of moving motivates me to this present day.
Now, I have turned my passion for fitness into a profession – something I’ve wanted to do for decades. I know that a commitment to staying active and healthy living can make a significant difference in one’s life as they age…because it has for me.
Training the Older Adult - Select Training Method Certification
Matter of Balance Master Trainer Certification
Exercise Etc. Senior Fitness Consultant Certification
NASM Personal Training Certification
NASM Senior Fitness Specialist Certification
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification
FAI (Functional Aging Institute) Functional Aging Specialist Certification
FAI Group Exercise Specialist Certification
FAI Brain Health Trainer Certification
Mobility Matters Course for Balancing Training & Fall Risk Reduction
Training the Older Adult Ambassador
Caregiving Exercise Specialist Certification
BFA in Ballet from the University of Utah
Colleen intuitively "gets" my body. Every workout she takes me through leaves me feeling satisfyingly spent and energized at the same time. I have knee issues and Colleen has helped me increase my strength and stability, without inflammation. Colleen carefully watches and corrects my overall form during each exercise, which helps me make real progress in strength, endurance, and healthy alignment. I've worked out a long time and never appreciated proper form the way I do now. Better posture, with my shoulders back and down - something I've wanted to improve for years - is happening for me naturally, almost without effort.
- Jenny S.