How to Build Healthy Habits in the New Year (and Beyond)

Habits can be hard to form, particularly later in life when we might want to rely on familiar ways. But, armed with strong information and reliable tactics, you can adjust your tactics to succeed in 2022 and beyond.

 See, it turns out we’ve been thinking about forming habits all wrong. It’s not about willpower or the latest self-help book. The secrets, in fact, are found in behavioral science.

A new “megastudy” of 60,000 people by a University of Pennsylvania professor says we can improve our physical activity and health behaviors via a few paths.

So, if you’ve faced this “get fit” or “lose weight” self-challenge before – initially enthusiastic, but quickly frustrated -- then don’t beat yourself up anymore. Head into 2022 with this information and these suggestions from the study.

1.      Plan your workouts. The study found that people are more likely to actually exercise if they’ve put in their calendar.

2.      Get reminders. You can set your smartphone to remind you. Or rely on a friend or trainer.

3.      Give yourself incentives. For every workout, you get some small reward. Or after a week of making every workout, or after a month… The point is to give yourself that positive reinforcement.

4.      Don’t miss more than one workout in a row. Build in incentives to get you back on track after you’ve been unable to make a workout. It’s so easy to say, “Well, I couldn’t make it Tuesday, so I guess I’m a failure.” Instead, get back on the horse on Wednesday.

I’ve saved the best for No. 5: Build in accountability and sociability into your fitness program. Now more than ever, we need interaction and encouragement. It doesn’t mean you’re weak; it means you’re human!

I would love to help! Give me a call or shoot me an email.